

Black Spruce (スプルースブラック)

<From the Catalog>

Black Spruce, Picea mariana, Canada

File:Picea mariana cones.jpg
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The Native Americans used Spruce to strengthen their ability to communicate with the Great Spirit.  The tree has the stamina to grow up to 50 feet high in cold weather and can live more than 1,000 years! The wood from the spruce is soft and has gentle energy. Black Spruce, steam distilled from needles,  is used when there is an imbalance in the hormonal system.  It is a general tonic, releasing tense muscles and ligaments and is also beneficial for arthritis, bone pain, and sciatica.  It helps support the nervous system.  It helps people through periods of mourning and sadness. Good for arthritis, candida, hyperthyroidism and to boost your immune system, especially if you mix it with other oils.  It stimulates the endocrine system, especially the thymus gland.  It is used to calm, reduce stress, open sinus and breathing passages, therefore good for
coughing, a good disinfectant. It frees up emotional block, uplifts your mood, makes you and others  happier, improves mental clarity and encourages communication.  It helps balance your intuition and your rational mind. On the spiritual level, it helps you become your own person.  It balances the 2nd and 3rd chakra, allowing for more light to enter the body.  Good when you meditate.

Application:  The best use of Black Spruce oil is through diffusers and the massage of the
joints and adrenals.  Apply 3-5 drops on skin.


スプルースブラック、(学名:Picea mariana) カナダ産


内分泌系の働き(特に胸腺)も促進してくれます。落ち着きを取り戻し、ストレスを軽減し、鼻の通りを良くして息をしやすくし、咳や消毒にも良いでしょう。感情的なブロックを解放し、気分を高めてくれるだけでなく、あなたやあなたの周りの人々を幸せな気分にし、コミュニケーションを活発にしてくれるでしょう。 直感と理性のバランスも助けてくれます。スピリチャルな領域では、自分自身を構築する上で有効でしょう。第2チャクラ、第3チャクラを調整し、身体に光が満たされるよう助けてくれます。大変瞑想に適しています。


ミカエルザヤットは、このような針葉樹を良く利用しますね(White Spruce もよく見られます…)。ブレンドにも沢山みられるのが特徴かもしれません。

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