

Peppermint (ペパーミント)

<From the Catalog>

Mentha piperita, USA

Mentha × piperita - Köhler–s Medizinal-Pflanzen-095.jpg
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This hardy perennial herb is easily propagated and has been found in existence throughout the world back to ancient times in China, Japan and Egypt. Best known for its capacity to relieve stomach upsets, it continues its use as a popular tea today. The best time to pick Peppermint for distillation is when it starts flowering, thus producing a highest percentage of menthol, otherwise the oil contains a higher percentage of menthone and menthofurane that is an excellent insect repellent but is not recommended for the body.

American Indians used Peppermint for headaches and neuralgia and to help relieve skin rashes. Peppermint oil is a key ingredient in many toothpastes and hygiene products. It is a popular  flavor in food, gum  and candy products. Peppermint  energizes and helps to refocus so that one can concentrate. It can relax emotional tension caused from exhaustion. It raises the intuition and allows communication with the whole. It inspires the soul. Energetically, it helps digest new thoughts and beliefs and new situations of rapid change. Beneficial for digestive problems, it also helps relieve pain and stimulate mental ability. Can heighten/restore one’s sense of taste. Peppermint  stimulates the liver and pancreas. It is helpful for sciatica  and works as a local anesthetic (toothache).  Good in cases of food poisoning or fainting and nausea.

Application: When using our Peppermint oil,  PLEASE  be mindful that  an overdose  can
produce a shock reaction similar to the body’s initial reaction when stung by a bee or
bitten by a snake. It should not be used close to the throat or neck, OR be used on small
children (under 2 years). Massage 1 - 2 drops on stomach; for headache, rub on temples;
to improve mental ability, rub 2 - 3 drops on top of head.  It blends w mints, & Lavender.


Peppermint、(学名:Mentha piperita) アメリカ産







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